After the Second World War many from the common wealth countries headed for UK.

The obvious pull of employment by BIG employers meant that most who arrived would choose to settle close to their places of work. Luton’s Vauxhall had thousands of workers from Pakistan/Kashmir and the Caribbean. The London brick plant at Stewart by also offered employment to people from the subcontinent who settled in Bedford. The early settlers from the Pakistani and Kashmiri community settled in Wolverton as The Wolverton Works was the largest local employer.

Our community, along with others, has had challenges ranging from the blatant racism of 60s and 70s to present day Islamophobia. Milton Keynes Pakistan and Kashmir Welfare Association came in to existence in 2015 to provide an effective voice and a platform from which to champion the interests of our community. Pakistan and Kashmir, whilst being predominantly Muslim, have minorities of Christian, Sikh,Hindu and Bhudist communities. The MKPKWA prides itself in being an inclusive organisation with a clear non religious and non political agenda. The goal of representing our community, whether young or old,female or male and regardless of faith is at the heart of our values.

The objectives of the Association are:

  • To promote friendship, goodwill and understanding between the people of Pakistan and the UK
  • To celebrate the national and historic events of importance to its members
  • To arrange social, cultural, religious, welfare and sporting activities for its members including children, students, men, women and elders
  • To raise awareness about the Pakistani and Kashmiri culture and values amongst its members and their children
  • To promote community cohesion, integration, understanding and tolerance among its members and other local communities.
  • To establish goodwill and working relationships between the Association and other local bodies including ethnic and cultural associations